We're thinking outside the box, but learning inside it

Shipping Container converted into a classroom (before)
Shipping Container converted into a classroom (before)

Although it’s good to think outside the box, our students will soon be learning inside one – that is, a converted shipping container.

In late 2020 we asked for your help in acquiring and renovating a container and turning it into a classroom. You answered with financial gifts. Now, the space is almost ready for use. We’re thrilled that it will soon be full of students – many who have been stuck on a waiting list.

The shipping container is an “expansion to our expansion.” In late-2019, we opened our new four-classroom building. It was immediately filled with students. What to do? A container! It was a safe, economical way to add space. It’s sturdy, waterproof and adaptable.

Beyond the improvements you can clearly see in the photos, insulation has been added to regulate the temperature. Containers are frequently used for business purposes throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We love ours! Thank you again for your generosity.

Roy Harryman