VBS 2021: Back to school on a foundation of faith


Nearly 200 students turned out for a condensed but powerful vacation Bible school.

Because of the pandemic, our schools had no summer break and studied all season long. That meant there was no time for Vacation Bible School.

But a window opened before fall classes begin, Sept. 13-17. In that time we were able to reach 180 students with the love of God and the theme of ethical leadership in a world of compromise. Our story? Noah from the Bible. Thanks to everyone who helped make it possible!

About us
We’re bringing hope to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Future Hope Africa serves children and families through education, scholarships, microloan financing and faith-based character development.

Our mission is to provide a secure future for the children, young adults and families of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Based in the eastern city of Bukavu, we make a difference through:

• Educational services and scholarships

• Business and entrepreneurial support

• Community and youth initiatives

Roy Harryman